
- ジャンル
- 一般・その他
- タイトル
- HYDROGEN(ウォルター先生の水素のはなし)
- サブタイトル
- by Dr. Walter's lecture about Hydrogen
- 著者・編者・訳者
- おおたふみあき(Fumiaki Ohta)著/太田成男(Shigeo Ohta)監修
- 発行年月日
- 2016年 9月 15日
- 定価
- 770円
- ISBN978-4-7825-3459-5 C2076
- 判型
- A5判並製
- 頁数
- 56ページ
Part 1: What is hydrogen?
Hydrogen and Anti-Aging
Why do we age?
Active Oxygen the Cause of Aging
GoodROS and BadROS
Hydrogen and Vitamin C: Antioxidant Power
Benefits for Brain and Ovum!
How to Decrease BadROS
Against Oxidation, Inflammation, and Allergy
[column] Why does lifespan vary between species?
Part 2: Hydrogen Water, bath, and cosmetics
Hydrogen water
Unit: ppm
[column] Hydrogen water and Electrolyzed water
Hydrogen Cosmetics
Controls Inflammation Expanding
Preventing Spots
Hydrogen Bath
Hydrogen floats around in water
[column] Can we measure hydrogen?
Hydrogen and Hangovers
Hydrogen and Genes
Promoting Fat Metabolism
Hydrogen Reducing Fatigue
Hydrogen Does Not Build Up